15 judgments found.

Case 43/2005 (XI. 14)

Country: Hungary
Year: 2005
Court: Constitutional Court
Health Topics: Aging, Health information, Informed consent, Mental health, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to bodily integrity, Right to family life, Right to privacy

The case involved two petitions that required the Constitutional Court to examine certain elements that imposed regulations on sterilization. The first petitioner challenged the constitutionality of the Minister of Health Decree 12/1987 (VIII. 19.) EüM on Sterilization (hereinafter “D1”), which imposed certain restrictions (related to age and number of prior blood children) on a person …Read more

Tags: Birth control, Compulsory sterilization, Confidentiality, Contraception, Contraceptives, Disclosure, Family planning, Forced sterilization, Health records, Informed choice, Involuntary sterilization, Mandatory sterilization, Maternal health, Medical records, Non-disclosure, Notification, Patient choice, Pregnancy, Secrecy, Spousal consent, Spousal notification, Sterilization
Download Judgment: English

Maria Mamerita Mestanza Chavez v. Peru

Country: Peru
Year: 2003
Court: Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Citation: Report No. 66/00, Case 12.191, October 3, 2000; OEA/Ser./L/V/II.111, doc. 20 rev., 16 April 2001
Health Topics: Informed consent, Medical malpractice, Poverty, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to bodily integrity, Right to health, Right to life

A group of NGOs lodged a petition with the Commission alleging that Peru violated Maria Mamérita Mestanza Chávez’s rights on account of a forced sterilization that resulted in her death. Peru implemented a family planning policy involving compulsory and systematic sterilization in order to modify the reproductive behavior of the population. Poor, indigenous, and rural …Read more

Tags: Childbirth, Compulsory sterilization, Compulsory treatment, Forced sterilization, Forced treatment, Inadequate treatment, Indigenous groups, Indigent, Infertility, Involuntary sterilization, Involuntary treatment, Mandatory sterilization, Mandatory treatment, Maternal health, Maternal mortality, Negligence, Non-consensual testing and treatment, Poor, Pregnancy, Sterilization, Unauthorized treatment
Download Judgment: English Spanish

STC 215/1994

Country: Spain
Year: 1994
Court: Constitutional Court
Health Topics: Infectious diseases, Mental health, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, Right to bodily integrity, Right to life

The parents of a mentally-disabled woman requested that the court authorize the sterilization of their daughter.  According to the Article 428 of the Criminal Code made in accordance with Article 6 LO 3/89 of 21 June (the “challenged provision”), sterilization of a disabled person who suffered from serious psychological deficiency would not be unlawful if the …Read more

Tags: Abortion, Birth control, Childbirth, Compulsory sterilization, Degrading treatment, Forced abortion, Forced sterilization, Humiliating treatment, Incapacity, Incompetence, Inhuman treatment, Involuntary sterilization, Mandatory sterilization, Mental competence, Mental disability, Mental disorder, Mental illness, Mental retardation, Pregnancy, Sexually transmitted diseases, Sexually transmitted infections, STDs, Sterilization, STIs
Download Judgment: English

E. (Mrs.) v. Eve

Country: Canada
Year: 1986
Court: Supreme Court
Citation: [1986] 2 S.C.R. 388
Health Topics: Informed consent, Mental health, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to bodily integrity

Eve was a mentally disabled young woman suffering from a condition that made it extremely difficult for her to communicate with others. She was not capable of understanding the consequential relationship between intercourse, pregnancy and birth.  Mrs. E, her mother, was concerned that Eve might innocently become pregnant, which would mean that she, an elderly …Read more

Tags: Compulsory sterilization, Compulsory treatment, Contraception, Contraceptives, Family planning, Forced sterilization, Forced treatment, Incapacity, Incompetence, Informed choice, Involuntary sterilization, Mandatory sterilization, Mental competence, Mental disability, Mental disorder, Mental illness, Mental institution, Mental retardation, Non-consensual testing and treatment, Patient choice, Pregnancy, Sterilization
Download Judgment: English French

Walker v. Pierce

Country: United States
Year: 1977
Court: United States Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit
Citation: Walker v. Pierce 560 F.2d 609 (4th Cir. 1977)
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Informed consent, Medical malpractice, Poverty, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to bodily integrity, Right to family life, Right to health, Right to privacy

Plaintiff Virgil Walker filed suit against Defendant, Clovis H. Pierce, the attending obstetrician at Aiken County Hospital in South Carolina, seeking damages and declaratory and injunctive relief for a violation of her civil rights under the 1st, 4th, 5th 8th, 9th, 13th, and 14th amendments. Virgil Walker, an African American woman on Medicaid, went to …Read more

Tags: Access to health care, Family planning, Indigent, Involuntary sterilization, Low income, Patient choice, Poor, Sterilization
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