We’re happy to announce our first case from the Committee Against Torture.
If you open the case summary you’ve find a note on the bottom that says that the summary was “Adapted from INTERIGHTS summary, with permission.” INTERIGHTS has given Global Health and Human Rights Database permission to host their summaries on our database.
INTERIGHTS has one of the best online databases of human rights caselaw. However, with INTERIGHTS closing down, their database will no longer be updated. To keep the information useful, INTERIGHTS has allowed us to host their summaries in our continually growing database.
Out of INTERIGHTS’s 2800+ cases, we’ve recognized over 500 of them that pertain to health and would be useful additions to the Global Health and Human Rights Database. The process of adding any case to the Database involves reading the case, categorizing the case, applying the proper tags, and writing a summary. Writing the summary is always the most time-consuming part, meaning that these summaries will allow us to add cases much more quickly. In fact, our number of cases just broke the 1100 mark with the 1100th case being Gunan v. Kyrgyzstan, which was also adapted from an INTERIGHTS summary.