Convention concerning Medical Care and Sickness Benefits (ILO Medical Care and Sickness Benefits Convention, 1969 (No. 130))

Medical Care and Sickness Benefits Convention, 1969 (No. 130), Geneva, 53rd ILC session (25 Jun 1969), entry into force: 27 May 1972.
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Year of adoption: 1969
Year of entry into force: 1972
Legal Status:


Each Member shall secure to the persons protected, subject to prescribed conditions, the provision of medical care of a curative or preventive nature in respect of the contingency referred to in subparagraph (a) of Article 7.

Article 9
The medical care referred to in Article 8 shall be afforded with a view to maintaining, restoring or improving the health of the person protected and his ability to work and to attend to his personal needs.

Article 10
The persons protected in respect of the contingency referred to in subparagraph (a) of Article 7 shall comprise–

(a) all employees, including apprentices, and the wives and children of such employees; or
(b) prescribed classes of the economically active population, constituting not less than 75 per cent of the whole economically active population, and the wives and children of persons in the said classes; or
(c) prescribed classes of residents constituting not less than 75 per cent of all residents.

Article 11
Where a declaration made in virtue of Article 2 is in force, the persons protected in respect of the contingency referred to in subparagraph (a) of Article 7 shall comprise–

(a) prescribed classes of employees, constituting not less than 25 per cent of all employees, and the wives and children of employees in the said classes; or (b) prescribed classes of employees in industrial undertakings, constituting not less than 50 per cent of all employees in industrial undertakings, and the wives and children of employees in the said classes.

Article 12
Persons who are in receipt of a social security benefit for invalidity, old age, death of the breadwinner or unemployment, and, where appropriate, the wives and children of such persons, shall continue to be protected, under prescribed conditions, in respect of the contingency referred to in subparagraph (a) of Article 7.

Article 13
The medical care referred to in Article 8 shall comprise at least–

(a) general practitioner care, including domiciliary visiting;
(b) specialist care at hospitals for in-patients and out-patients, and such specialist care as may be available outside hospitals;
(c) the necessary pharmaceutical supplies on prescription by medical or other qualified practitioners;
(d) hospitalisation where necessary;
(e) dental care, as prescribed; and
(f) medical rehabilitation, including the supply, maintenance and renewal of prosthetic and orthopaedic appliances, as prescribed.

Article 14
Where a declaration made in virtue of Article 2 is in force, the medical care referred to in Article 8 shall comprise at least–

(a) general practitioner care, including, wherever possible, domiciliary visiting;
(b) specialist care at hospitals for in-patients and out-patients, and, wherever possible, such specialist care as may be available outside hospitals;
(c) the necessary pharmaceutical supplies on prescription by medical or other qualified practitioners; and
(d) hospitalisation where necessary.

Article 15
Where the legislation of a Member makes the right to the medical care referred to in Article 8 conditional upon the fulfilment of a qualifying period by the person protected or by his breadwinner, the conditions governing the qualifying period shall be such as not to deprive of the right to benefit persons who normally belong to the categories of persons protected.

Article 16
1. The medical care referred to in Article 8 shall be provided throughout the contingency.
2. Where a beneficiary ceases to belong to the categories of persons protected, further entitlement to medical care for a case of sickness which started while he belonged to the said categories may be limited to a prescribed period which shall not be less than 26 weeks: Provided that the medical care shall not cease while the beneficiary continues to receive a sickness benefit.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article, the duration of medical care shall be extended for prescribed diseases recognised as entailing prolonged care.

Article 17
Where the legislation of a Member requires the beneficiary or his breadwinner to share in the cost of the medical care referred to in Article 8, the rules concerning such cost sharing shall be so designed as to avoid hardship and not to prejudice the effectiveness of medical and social protection.