Year of entry into force: 1960
Region: Europe
Legal Status: Intergovernmental - Legally Binding
Article 1
1. The Contracting Parties shall, provided that they have sufficient stocks for their own needs, make medical, surgical and laboratory equipment available on free loan to such other Contracting Parties as may, in exceptional circumstances, have urgent need of it; such equipment shall, upon request, be sent to the Party concerned and shall subsequently be returned.
2. Each Contracting Party benefiting under the terms of the previous paragraph shall grant all possible facilities for the importation on a temporary basis of the equipment loaned.
Article 2
1. The period of temporary importation shall not exceed six months in the first instance but may, with the agreement of the exporting country, be extended for a further period subject to the same conditions.
2. The above facilities shall be granted only in respect of medical, surgical and laboratory equipment for use in hospitals and other medical institutions. They shall include the issue of any licences required for the temporary importation of such equipment and the suspension of import duties and import taxes (including all duties and taxes whatsoever chargeable by reason of importation) other than charges for actual expenses incurred by the authorities of the country of temporary importation.
Article 3
Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 1 and 2 above, the competent authorities of the importing State may take such measures as may be necessary either to ensure the re-exportation of any such equipment imported on a temporary basis, once the exceptional circumstances shall have ceased to exist or the time-limit provided for under paragraph 1 of Article 2 above has elapsed, whichever is the earlier, or to ensure payment of any import duties and import taxes which become payable in the case of any failure to re-export the equipment.
Article 4
The provisions of this Agreement shall not prejudice more favourable provisions for the temporary importation of the equipment referred to in Article 1, contained in the laws or regulations of any Contracting Party or in any convention, treaty or agreement in force between two or more Contracting Parties to the present Agreement.