
Ústava Slovenskej republiky [Constitution of the Slovak Republic], adopted and enacted 1992.
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Article 12

(1) People are free and equal in dignity and in rights. Basic rights and freedoms are inviolable, inalienable, imprescriptible, and indefeasible.

(2) Basic rights and freedoms on the territory of the Slovak Republic are guaranteed to everyone regardless of sex, race, color of skin, language, faith and religion, political, or other thoughts, national or social origin, affiliation to a nation, or ethnic group, property, descent, or any other status. No one may be harmed, preferred, or discriminated against on
these grounds.

Article 15

(1) Everyone has the right to life. Human life is worthy of protection already before birth.

Article 16

(1) The inviolability of the person and its privacy is guaranteed. It may be limited only in cases laid down by law.

(2) No one may be tortured, or subjected to cruel, inhuman, or humiliating treatment or punishment.

Article 17

(1) Personal freedom is guaranteed.

Article 34

(1) The comprehensive development of citizens belonging to national minorities or ethnic groups in the Slovak Republic is guaranteed, particularly the right to develop their own culture together with other members of the minority or ethnic group, the right to disseminate and receive information in their mother tongue, the right to associate in national minority associations, and the right to establish and maintain educational and cultural institutions. Details shall be laid down by law.

Article 35

(1) Everyone has the right to a free choice of profession and to training for it, as well as the right to engage in entrepreneurial or other gainful activity.

Article 36

Employees have the right to just and satisfying working conditions.

Article 38

(1) Women, minors, and persons with impaired health are entitled to an enhanced protection of their health at work, as well as to special working conditions.

Article 39

(1) Citizens have the right to adequate material provision in old age, in the event of work disability, as well as after losing their provider.

(2) Everyone who is in material need is entitled to assistance necessary to ensure basic living conditions.

Article 40

Everyone has a right to the protection of health. Based on public insurance, citizens have the right to free health care and to medical supplies under conditions which shall be laid down by law.

Article 41

(1) Marriage, parenthood and the family are under the protection of the law. The special protection of children and minors is guaranteed.

Article 42

(1) Everyone has the right to education. School attendance is compulsory. Its period and age limit shall be laid down by law.

Article 44

(1) Everyone has the right to a favorable environment.