
Устави Србије [Constitution of the Republic of Serbia], adopted and enacted 2006.
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Article 21

All are equal before the Constitution and law.

Everyone shall have the right to equal legal protection, without discrimination.

All direct or indirect discrimination based on any grounds, particularly on race, sex, national origin, social origin, birth, religion, political or other opinion, property status, culture, language, age, mental or physical disability shall be prohibited.

Special measures which the Republic of Serbia may introduce to achieve full equality of individuals or group of individuals in a substantially unequal position compared to other citizens shall not be deemed discrimination.

Article 24

Human life is inviolable.

There shall be no death penalty in the Republic of Serbia.

Cloning of human beings shall be prohibited.

Article 25

Physical and mental integrity is inviolable.

Nobody may be subjected to torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, nor subjected to medical and other experiments without their free consent.

Article 27

Everyone has the right to personal freedom and security. Depriving of liberty shall be allowed only on the grounds and in a procedure stipulated by the law.

Article 60

Right to work shall be guaranteed in accordance with the law.

Everyone shall have the right to choose his occupation freely.

All work places shall be available to everyone under equal conditions.

Everyone shall have the right to respect of his person at work, safe and healthy working conditions, necessary protection at work, limited working hours, daily and weekly interval for rest, paid annual holiday, fair remuneration for work done and legal protection in case of termination of working relations. No person may forgo these rights.

Women, young and disabled persons shall be provided with special protection at work and special work conditions in accordance with the law.

Article 62

Everyone shall have the right to decide freely on entering or dissolving a marriage.

Marriage shall be entered into based on the free consent of man and woman before the state body.

Contracting, duration or dissolution of marriage shall be based on the equality of man and woman.

Marriage, marital and family relations shall be regulated by the law.

Extramarital community shall be equal with marriage, in accordance with the law.

Article 63

Everyone shall have the freedom to decide whether they shall procreate or not.

The Republic of Serbia shall encourage the parents to decide to have children and assist them in this matter.

Article 64

A child shall enjoy human rights suitable to their age and mental maturity.

Every child shall have the right to personal name, entry in the registry of births, the right to learn about its ancestry, and the right to preserve his own identity.

A child shall be protected from psychological, physical, economic and any other form of exploitation or abuse.

A child born out of wedlock shall have the same rights as a child born in wedlock.

Rights of the child and their protection shall be regulated by the law.

Article 66

Families, mothers, single parents and any child in the Republic of Serbia shall enjoy special protection in the Republic of

Serbia in accordance with the law.

Mothers shall be given special support and protection before and after childbirth.

Special protection shall be provided for children without parental care and mentally or physically handicapped children.

Children under 15 years of age may not be employed, nor may children under 18 years of age be employed at jobs detrimental to their health or morals.

Article 68

Everyone shall have the right to protection of their mental and physical health.

Health care for children, pregnant women, mothers on maternity leave, single parents with children under seven years of age and elderly persons shall be provided from public revenues unless it is provided in some other manner in accordance with the law.

Health insurance, health care and establishing of health care funds shall be regulated by the law.

The Republic of Serbia shall assist development of health and physical culture.

Article 69

Citizens and families that require welfare for the purpose of overcoming social and existential difficulties and creating conditions to provide subsistence, shall have the right to social protection the provision of which is based on social justice, humanity and respect of human dignity.

Rights of the employees and their families to social protection and insurance shall be regulated by the law.

The employees shall have the right to salary compensation in case of temporary inability to work, as well as the right to temporary unemployment benefit in accordance with the law.

Disabled people, war veterans and victims of war shall be provided special protection in accordance with the law.
Social insurance funds shall be established in accordance with the law.

Article 71

Everyone shall have the right to education.

Article 74

Everyone shall have the right to healthy environment and the right to timely and full information about the state of environment.