
Constitución Política del Perú [Political Constitution of Peru], adopted and enacted 1993.
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Article 2
Every person has the right:
1. To life, his identity, his moral, psychical, and physical integrity, and his free development and well-being. The unborn child is a rights-bearing subject in all cases that benefit him.
2. To equality before the law. No person shall be discriminated against on the basis of origin, race, sex, language, religion, opinion, economic status, or any other distinguishing feature.

15. To work freely, in accordance with the law.

19. To his ethnic and cultural identity. The State recognizes and protects the ethnic and cultural diversity of the Nation.

22. To peace, tranquility, enjoyment of leisure time, and rest, as well as to a balanced and appropriate environment for the development of his life.

24. To freedom and personal security.

Article 4
The community and the State extend special protection to children, adolescents, mothers, and the elderly in situation of abandonment. They also protect the family and promote marriage, which are recognized as natural and fundamental institutions of society.

Article 6
The national population policy aims to spread and promote responsible parenthood. It recognizes the right of families and individuals to decide. In this spirit, the State guarantees suitable education and information programs and access to such means, provided they do not harm life or health.
It is the right and duty of parents to nourish, educate, and protect their children. Children have the duty to respect and aid their parents.
All children have the same rights and duties. Any mention of the civil status of parents or of the nature of their relationship to the children in civil records or any other identification document is prohibited.

Article 7
Everyone has the right to protection of his health, his family environment, and his community, just as it is his duty to contribute to their development and defense. Any individual unable to care for himself due to physical or mental disability has the right to respect for his dignity and to a regime of protection, care, rehabilitation, and security.

Article 10
The State recognizes the universal and progressive right of each person to social security for his protection from contingencies specified by law, and for the elevation of his quality of life.
Article 11
The State guarantees free access to health benefits and pensions through public, private, or joint agencies. It also oversees their efficient operation.
The law establishes the agency of the national government that manages the pensions systems under the charge of the State.

Article 13
The aim of education is the comprehensive development of the human being. The State recognizes and guarantees freedom of education. Parents have the duty to educate their children and the right to choose their schools and participate in the educational process.

Article 22
Work is a right and a duty. It is the foundation for social welfare and a means of self-realization.