Year of entry into force: 1992
Region: Americas
Human rights: Freedom from discrimination, Freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, Right to development, Right to education, Right to family life, Right to food, Right to health, Right to housing, Right to life, Right to privacy, Right to social security, Right to the benefits of culture, Right to work
Article 4 About the Right to Live
The right to live is inherent to the human being. Its protection is guaranteed, in general, after the time of conception. The death penalty remains abolished. Each individual’s physical and psychological integrity as well as his honor and reputation will be protected by the State. The law will regulate the freedom to dispose ones own body, but only for scientific or medical purposes.
Article 5 About Torture and Other Crimes
(1) No one will be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman, or degrading punishment or treatment.
(2) Genocide, torture, the use of force to make people disappear, kidnapping and the homicide for political reasons are crimes that are not subject to terms of limitation.
Article 6 About the Quality of Life
(1) The State will promote the quality of life through plans and policies that are focused on conditioning factors, such as extreme poverty and of impediments stemming from disability or age.
(2) The State will also promote research on population factors and their links with socio-economic development, the preservation of the environment and the quality of life of the inhabitants.
Article 7 About the Right to a Healthy Environment
(1) Everyone has the right to live in a healthy, ecologicallybalanced environment.
(2) The preservation, recovery, and improvement of the environment, as well as efforts to reconcile these goals with comprehensive human development, are priority objectives of social interest. The respective laws and government policies will seek to meet these objectives.
Article 33 About the Right to Privacy
(1) Personal and family privacy, as well as the respect of private life, are inviolable. Individual behavior that does not affect public order as established by law or the rights of third parties is exempted from the authority of public officials.
(2) The protection of the privacy, dignity, and private image of each individual is hereby guaranteed.
Article 46 About All Persons Being Equal
(1) All residents of the Republic are equal as far as dignity and rights are concerned. No discrimination is permitted. The State will remove all obstacles and prevent those factors that support or promote discrimination.
(2) Guarantees aimed at preventing unfair inequalities will not be considered discriminatory, but egalitarian factors.
Article 49 About Protection of the Family
The family is the foundation of society. Its comprehensive protection will be promoted and guaranteed. This comprises the stable union of a man and a woman, their children, and the community formed with any of the ancestors or their descendants.
Article 53 About Children
(1) Every parent has the right and obligation to care for, to feed, to educate, and to support his children while they are minors. The laws will punish those parents who fail to comply with their duty to provide their children with food.
(2) Children who are no longer minors must provide assistance to their parents if necessary.
(3) The law will regulate the assistance that should be given to large families and to women who are the head of the family.
(4) All children are equal before the law. This makes it possible for every child to investigate who his parents are. It is hereby forbidden to make any statements about the affiliation in personal documents.
Article 57 About Senior Citizens
Every senior citizen has the right to receive full protection by his family, society, and the State. State organizations will promote the well-being of senior citizens by providing them with social services to meet their needs for food, health, housing, culture, and leisure.
Article 58 About the Rights of People with Special Needs
(1) Families, society, and the State will guarantee health care for special persons, as well as education, recreation, and professional training so that they may be fully integrated into society.
(2) The State will formulate a policy for the prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and integration into society of physically disabled and psychologically or sensorial impaired individuals, who will be entitled to receive the specialized care they need.
(3) These individuals are entitled to enjoy the rights guaranteed by this Constitution to every inhabitant of the Republic, with equal opportunities, in order to compensate their disadvantages.
Article 61 About Family Planning and Maternal-Child Health Care
(1) The State recognizes the right of everyone to freely and responsibly determine the number of children they plan to have, as well as the time span between one child and another. Through a coordinated effort with the appropriate organizations, they are also entitled to receive education, scientific guidance, and adequate services.
(2) Special plans will be implemented to ensure reproductive health and maternal-child health for low-income groups.
Article 63 About Ethnic Identity
The right of Indian peoples to preserve and to develop their ethnic identity in their respective habitat is hereby recognized and guaranteed. They also have the right to freely apply their systems of political, socioeconomic, cultural, and religious organization, and to voluntarily observe customary practices in their domestic coexistence as long as they do not violate the fundamental rights established by this Constitution. Indian customary rights will be taken into account when deciding conflicts of jurisdiction.
Article 68 About Health Rights/ the Right to Health
(1) The State will protect and promote human health as a fundamental right of each person and in the best interests of the community.
(2) No one will be deprived of public assistance to prevent or treat diseases, pests, or plague or of aid in case of disasters or accidents.
(3) Everyone must observe the health measures established by law, within a framework of respect for human dignity.
Article 70 About the Regulation of Social Welfare
The law will establish social welfare programs by implementing strategies based on health education and community participation.
Article 73 About the Right to Education and its Goals
(1) Everyone has the right to a comprehensive, permanent education, conceived as a system and process to be realized within the cultural context of the community. The system is designed to promote the full development of human personality, to foster freedom and peace, to promote social justice, solidarity, cooperation, and integration of all peoples, the respect for the human rights and the principles of democracy, to confirm the commitment to the fatherland and to strengthen the cultural identity. It also seeks to promote the intellectual, moral, and civic growth of the individual, as well as the elimination of any educational programs of a discriminatory nature.
Article 86 About the Right to Work
(1) Every inhabitant of the Republic has the right to a legal job, freely chosen, which he performs under decent, fair conditions.
(2) The law will protect every form of work. The rights attributed to the worker by law are inalienable.
Article 95 About Social Security
(1) A mandatory comprehensive social security system for employees and their families will be established by law. Its extension to every sector of the population will be promoted.
(2) Social security services may be public, private, or mixed, but in every case they will be supervised by the State.
(3) The financial resources of the social security system will not be diverted from their specific goals and will be made available for those purposes. This will not preclude lucrative investments that could cause these funds to increase.
Article 100 About the Right to Housing
(1) Every inhabitant of the Republic has the right to decent housing facilities.
(2) The State will establish conditions conductive to the implementation of this right and will promote housing projects of social interest specially designed for low-income families through adequate methods of financing.