
КОНСТИТУЦИЯ РЕСПУБЛИКИ МОЛДОВА [Constitution of the Republic of Moldova], adopted and enacted 1994.
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Article 16. Equality
(1) The foremost duty of the State shall be the respect and protection of human person.
(2) All citizens of the Republic of Moldova shall be equal before the law and public authorities, regardless of the race, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, sex, opinion, political affiliation, property or social origin.

Article 24. Right to life, to physical and mental integrity
(1) The State shall guarantee to everyone the right to life, to physical and mental integrity.
(2) No one shall be subject to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading punishments or treatments.

Article 25. Individual freedom and security of person
(l) Individual freedom and security of person shall be inviolable.

Article 28. Intimate, family and private life
The State shall respect and protect the intimate, family and private life.

Article 35. Right to education
(1) The right to education shall be put into effect by the compulsory comprehensive school system, lyceum education (secondary school) and vocational training, as well as the higher education system, and other forms of instruction and knowledge improvement.

Article 36. Right to health protection
(1) The right to health protection shall be guaranteed.

Article 37. Right to a healthy environment
(1) Every human being shall have the right to live in an ecologically safe and healthy environment, to consume healthy food products and to use harmless household appliances.

Article 43. Right to work and labour protection
(1) Every person shall benefit by the right to work, to freely choose his/her profession and workplace, and to equitable and satisfactory working conditions, as well as to the protection against unemployment.
(2) All employees shall have the right to social protection of labour. The protecting measures shall bear upon the labour safety and hygiene, working conditions for women and young people, the introduction of a minimum wage per economy, weekends and annual paid leave, as well as the difficult working conditions and other specific situations.

Article 47. Right to social assistance and protection
(1) The State shall be bound to take actions aimed at ensuring to every person and to his/her family a decent standard of living, health protection and welfare including food, clothing, shelter, medical care, and the necessary social services.
(2) All citizens shall have the right to be socially secured in case of: unemployment, disease, disability, widowhood, old age or other cases of loss of the subsistence means, due to certain circumstances beyond their control.

Article 49. Protection of family and orphaned children
(1) The State shall facilitate, by economic and other such actions, the formation of a family, and the fulfilment of its assigned obligations.
(2) The State shall protect the motherhood, children and young people, by fostering the development of the required institutions.
(3) All the concerns aimed at maintaining, upbringing and educating the orphaned children and those deprived of parental care shall be devolved to the State and society.
The State shall promote and support the charitable activities for the benefit of these children.
Article 50. Protection of mothers, children and young people
(1) Mothers and children shall benefit by special assistance and protection. All the children, including those born out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.
(2) Children and young people shall enjoy a special form of assistance in the pursuit of their rights.
(3) The State shall grant the necessary allowances for children and benefits required for the care of sick or disabled children. Other forms of social assistance for children and young people shall be provided for by law.
(4) The exploitation of minors and their involvement in activities, which might be injurious to their health, moral conduct, or endanger their life or proper development shall be forbidden.
(5) Public authorities shall be bound to secure appropriate conditions enabling young people to freely take part in the social, economic, cultural and sporting life of the country.

Article 51. Protection of disabled persons

(1) The disabled persons shall enjoy special protection from the whole of society. The State shall ensure normal conditions for medical treatment and rehabilitation, education, training and social integration of disabled persons.
(2) No one can be subdued to the forced medical treatment unless for the cases foreseen by law.