
Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos [Political Constitution of the Mexican United States], adopted and enacted 1917.
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Article 1

Any form of discrimination, based on ethnic or national origin, gender, age, disabilities, social status, medical conditions, religious, opinions, sexual orientation, marital status, or any other form, which violates the human dignity or seeks to annul or diminish the rights and freedoms of the people, is prohibited.

Article 2

B. In order to promote equal opportunities for indigenous people and to eliminate discriminatory practices, the Federation, the Federal District, the States and the local councils shall establish the necessary institutions and policies to guarantee full force of indigenous people’s rights and comprehensive development of indigenous communities. Such institutions and policies shall be designed and operated together with them.
In order to eliminate the needs and backwardness affecting indigenous towns and communities, authorities are obliged to:

II. Guarantee education and increase educational level of indigenous peoples, favoring bilingual and cross-cultural education, literacy, completion of the elementary and secondary education, technical training, high education and university education.

III. Enforce an effective access to health services by increasing the coverage of the national health services, but making good use of traditional medicine; improve nutrition for indigenous people through food programs, specially for children.

IV. Improve conditions of indigenous communities and their spaces for socializing and recreation through public and private financing for housing construction and improvements; extend the coverage of basic social services.
V. Promote incorporation of indigenous women to development by supporting their productive projects, protecting their health and granting incentives for their education; foster participation of indigenous women in decision making process of their communities.

Article 3.

All people have the right of education.

Article 4
Man and woman are equal under the law. The law shall protect the organization and development of the family.

Every person has the right to decide, in a free, responsible and informed manner, the number of children desired and the timing between each of them.

All individuals have the right to nutritional, sufficient and quality nourishment. The State shall guarantee this.

Every person has the right to access to health services.

Any person has the right to a healthy environment for his/her own development and wellbeing.

Any person has the right of access, provision and drainage of water for personal and domestic consumption in a sufficient, healthy, acceptable and affordable manner.

Every person has the right to live in an environment that is suitable for his development and wellbeing.

Every family has the right to live in a dignified and decorous housing.

The State, in all decisons it makes and all actions it carried out, will safeguard and comply with the principle of doing what is in the best interest of children, thus entirely guaranteeing their rights. Boys and girls have the right to having their nurtitional, health, educational and relacation needs satisfied for their proper development.

Every person has cultural rights, has the right of access to culture and the right to enjoy state cultural services.

Article 5

No person may be prevented from performing the profession, industry, business or work of his choice, provided that it is lawful.

Article 16

All people have the right to enjoy protection on his personal data, and to access, correct and cancel such data. All people have the right to oppose disclosure of his data, according to the law.

Article 22

Cruel and unusual punishment is prohibited. Specifically, penalties of death, mutilation, infamy, marks, physical punishments, torture, excessive fines, confiscation of assets, and other similar. Every penalty shall be in proportion to the crime committed and to the legally protected interest.

Article 29

However, the decrees enacted under the situations described in the previous paragraph cannot restrictor suspend the exercise of the following rights and principles: the right to non discrimination, the right to legal personality, the right to life, the right of personal integrity, the right of protection to the family, the right to have a name, the right to have a nationality, the children’s rights, the political rights, the freedom of thought, the freedom of religion, the principles of legality and retroactivity, the prohibition on the death penalty, the prohibition on slavery and servitude, the prohibition of disappearance and torture, and the judicial guarantees that are necessary to protect these rights and principles.

Article 123

Every person has the right to have a decent and socially useful job. Therefore, job creation and social organization of work shall be encouraged according to the law.

XII. All farming, industrial, or mining enterprise or any other kind of business, employers are obliged to provide to workers comfortable and hygienic housing.

XXIX. Social Security Act is enacted for social welfare. This act shall include disability benefit, retirement pension, life insurance, unemployment benefit, health services, nursery services, and other services intended to guarantee wellbeing of workers, farm workers and other kind of employees.