
Ustav Republike Hrvatske [Constitution of the Republic of Croatia], adopted and enacted 1990, amended 2001.
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Article 14
All persons in the Republic of Croatia shall enjoy rights and freedoms, regardless of race,
colour, gender, language, religion, political or other conviction, national or social origin,
property, birth, education, social status or other characteristics.
All persons shall be equal before the law.

Article 21
Each human being has the right to life.

Article 22
Human liberty and personality shall be inviolable.

Article 25
Any arrested and convicted person shall be accorded humane treatment, and the dignity of such individual shall be respected.

Article 35
Respect for and legal protection of each person’s private and family life, dignity, reputation shall be guaranteed.

Article 55
Everyone shall have the right to work and to freedom of work.
Everyone shall be free to choose his/her vocation and occupation, and shall have access to each workplace and post under equal conditions.

Article 57
The right of employees and their family members to social security and social insurance shall be regulated by law and collective agreements.

Article 59
Everyone shall be guaranteed the right to health care in conformity with law.

Article 62
The family shall enjoy special protection of the state.

Article 63
The state shall protect maternity, children and youth, and shall create social, cultural, educational, material and other conditions promoting the achievement of the right to a suitable life.

Article 66
In the Republic of Croatia, everyone shall have access to education under equal conditions and in accordance with his/her aptitudes.

Article 70
Everyone shall have the right to a healthy life.
The state shall ensure conditions for a healthy environment.
Everyone shall, within the scope of their powers and activities, accord particular attention to the protection of human health, nature and the human environment.