Costa Rica

Constitución política de la República de Costa Rica [Political Constitution of the Republic of Costa Rica], adopted and enacted 1949.
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Year of adoption: 1949
Year of entry into force: 1949
Human rights: , , , ,


ARTICLE 21. Human life is inviolable.

ARTICLE 33. All persons are equal before the law and there shall be no discrimination against human dignity.

ARTICLE 40. No one may be subjected to cruel or degrading treatment or to life imprisonment, or to the penalty of confiscation. Any statement obtained by violent means shall be null and void.

ARTICLE 50. The State shall procure the greatest welfare of all inhabitants of the country, organizing and promoting production and the most adequate distribution of wealth. Every person has the right to a healthy and ecologically balanced environment, being therefore entitled to denounce any acts that may infringe said right and claim redress for the damage caused. The State shall guarantee, defend and preserve that right. The Law shall establish the appropriate responsibilities and penalties.

ARTICLE 51. The family, as a natural element and foundation of society, is entitled to State protection. Mothers, children, the elderly and the destitute infirm are also entitled to such protection.

ARTICLE 55. The special protection of mothers and minors shall be entrusted to an autonomous institution named Patronato Nacional de la Infancia (National Infancy Foundation), with the collaboration of other State institutions.

ARTICLE 56. Labor is a right of the individual and an obligation to society. The State shall strive to see that everyone has lawful and useful employment, duly compensated, and prevent the establishment on that account of conditions which may in any way curtail human freedom or dignity or degrade his labor to the status of mere merchandise. The State guarantees the right to free choice of work.

ARTICLE 73. Social security is established for the benefit of manual and intellectual workers, regulated by a system of compulsory contributions by the State, employers and workers, to protect them against the risks of illness, disability, maternity, old age, death and other contingencies as determined by law.

Social security is established for the benefit of manual and intellectual workers, regulated by a system of compulsory contributions by the State, employers and workers, to protect them against the risks of illness, disability, maternity, old age, death and other contingencies as determined by law. (Art. 73)